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Johnson's baby Print

An ad with a scent

Brief: Make the mothers experience Power Of Gentle. Idea: Evoke a feeling of gentleness through the smell of Johnson's baby powder. Innovation Used: The moment newspapers entered various homes, mothers were welcomed with a smell that reminds them of their motherhood...the smell of Johnson's baby Powder.

Power of gentle #1

Power of gentle #2

Power of gentle #3

Insight:Babies have an amazing power to make you profoundly gentle. You stop yelling, getting angry. Even a stranger’s voice softens when a baby is around. It changes your personality completely.

Johnson's baby natural massage oil

It was observed that the usage of this oil was dropping during winters.Hence, the aim of this ad was to promote the use of Johnson's baby natural massage oil even during winters.

Doctor Mom

This ad was aimed to reinforce the trust of mothers on Johnson's baby by telling them that most doctors use Johnson's baby on their own babies too.

Johnson's baby Top-to-toe

This advertorial was designed to establish Johnson's baby top-to-toe wash as an ideal bath wash for your baby's first bath.